He who seeketh, findeth

December 4, 2010

Touched by The Cross… a sweet feeling!

Filed under: Meditation,Thoughts and Reflections — Steve (Chessiq) @ 10:55 pm

One of the sweetest things is experiencing an old sweet memory… Walking down a road that you walked before and had lots of fun doing it, and experiencing the same feeling as you are doing it – of course, enhanced by the sweet memory and the knowledge of what to expect. May be hugging somebody you haven’t hugged in a while, and knowing that the hug expresses your sweet mutual feelings for each other.
It has been a while since I touched The Cross on my Rosary… I touched it, and it had a familiar feel. Out of habit, I think my hand just knows where to go, and I would like to think that The Cross responds (or so I think). Considering the belief and history behind The Cross, it does not appear too far-fetched to say that The Cross has touched me… and it is a sweet feeling!

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